Thursday, January 24, 2008

Back in the saddle again

Hi and hello to all! I know its been awhile but as I stated in my last post we were very busy through christmas. So I will try and catch up with you all now.

Things here are good. We are staying pretty much snuggled up as much as possible through this fridged cold. The kids had a bountifull Chistmas and are still locked away playing with thier new aquirements. We have now turned the corner and are looking forward to spring. That means looking forward to VACATION! It is back to Galveston to our beloved beach front house! Everyone is excited and are already conspiring ideas to win the sand castle building contest.

Last weekend we played paintball with several of our friends. This is a favorite pastime of ours.

This was Codys first time to play with us. He loved it. Now he wants his very own paintball gear for his birthday!

For those who have not heard yet we have gotten word that Evan will be headed to Qatar in June for 3-4 months. Duty calls. But the upshot is that he should be home again for Christmas this year unless something happens that we don't know yet.

So until we meet again dear friends.... may the Lord go with you. Love all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sorry about Evan leaving again. I can't imagine what all you guys go through during the times that he is gone. I hope all goes okay...give him my best!!!